The Warped World of OS/2: 2001

04/04/01 - Maintenance Partitions (2nd Revision)
A substantial revision of the ever-popular Maintenance Partitions feature, with additional material to include Logical Volume Manager, and strategies to include eComStation and both "large" and small hard drives.

03/28/01 - Canadian Tax Software
A comparison of the available consumer Canadian taxation software from the perspective of the OS/2 user.

03/21/01 - FileStar/2 File Manager: A Review, Part 4
This article concludes the review on FileStar/2 by looking at LAN Access, FlexEdit, ZipView, Settings Notebook, and the Toolbar.

03/14/01 - FileStar/2 File Manager: A Review, Part 3
This article continues the present FileStar/2 review, looking at the Files, Windows, and Setup features.

03/07/01 - FileStar/2 File Manager: A Review, Part 2
This article describes some of the features of this outstanding File Manager.

02/28/01 - FileStar/2 File Manager: A Review
This article is a review of the more noteworthy features of FileStar/2.

02/21/01 - Notes on OS/2 Disk Usage V - Utilities for the Next Generation
This article describes some of the utilities written to assist users make the transition from the current versions of OS/2 to those versions using LVM.

02/14/01 - Notes on OS/2 Disk Usage IV - Journaled File System, Concluded.
This article details the characteristics of the JFS for OS/2 plus the utilities and other provisions available for interacting with JFS drives.

02/07/01 - Notes on OS/2 Disk Usage III - Journaled File System, Intro.
This article discusses the background to and reasons for the JFS, and describes some of its more important features.

01/24/01 - Notes on OS/2 Disk Usage II - Logical Volume Manager
This article describes some of the internal functioning of the LVM and how it relates to the rest of the system.

01/17/01 - Notes on OS/2 Disk Usage I
This article re-examines traditional hard drive facts in the light of recent OS/2 development activity.

01/10/01 - Netscape 4.61 Browser Tips and Tricks
There are host of customizations and other tips and tricks you can use to adjust Netscape to your own usage and make it more comfortable to use. This article deals with ten of the more useful ones.

01/03/01 - A Real World Cross-Platform Networking Application, Part 3
This article concludes the series by giving the Windows screenshots, and then showing how to connect OS/2, Windows, and OmniPage to actually run the application so that it invisibly accesses the remote computer.

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