The WarpDoctor Clinic
Every Sunday afternoon at 3:00 PM EST (20:00 GMT) we meet on the WEBBnet IRC network in #WarpDoctor. We encourage anyone interested in the project to join us. Never used IRC before? You can find instructions here.
The Warpdoctor Clinic is a project of VOICE.
VOICE is a "Member Directed" organization. This means that you, the members, have a say-so (or Voice) in how the organization is run, and how the projects are administered and implemented.
During this, the initial design phase, the Warpdoctor Team depends on the input of you, the user, to guide us in designing a site that is both clear in purpose and easy to navigate.
Please take a few moments to look at the site and give us your feedback. Click on the link to Feedback to find the currently available options.
Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is Copyright © 2004, VOICE