11-10-102 12:14:04 NEW BUSINESS 11-10-102 12:16:18 Item 1. Progress of Moylan ftp daemon. 11-10-102 12:16:58 Seems to be completed and working much better then the WSeB FTPD 11-10-102 12:17:44 Well, I wish Jeremy were here, but I guess it must be operational. I tried to upload the agenda, and noticed the remote drive/directory syntax has changed significantly. 11-10-102 12:18:14 Mark, did you have any trouble with the new format? 11-10-102 12:18:28 I just set Emtec to Auto detect 11-10-102 12:18:31 Yes, he did change that 11-10-102 12:19:22 Walter - I noticed that the format has changed also. It appears that the Moylan FTP attempts to mimic UNIX in that it appears to have a "root: 11-10-102 12:19:30 And the drive letters look strange also. 11-10-102 12:19:51 But it appears to work just fine once you get past the new syntax 11-10-102 12:20:27 I have uploaded and downloaded some files 11-10-102 12:20:38 Doug- that's what I was referring to. I already had EmTec set to AutoDetect. 11-10-102 12:20:56 What is EmTec 11-10-102 12:22:00 Do you think it's necessary to send an email to those using ftp explaining the changes? 11-10-102 12:22:06 Emtec FTP client 11-10-102 12:23:20 Doug - the OS/2 FTP client is pathetic, so most people use EmTec, an excellent third-party program. 11-10-102 12:24:14 I was using FTPIFS but it stopped working in the WarpDoctor site before the switch to Moylan - I suspect some new security on the server/IP provider side is messing it up 11-10-102 12:32:49 I guess Items 1 & 2 are really the same thing. 11-10-102 12:33:18 Item 3. Review of the DB2 plugin. 11-10-102 12:33:32 Doug, where are we on that? 11-10-102 12:34:06 I hoped to be done last Monday or Tuesday. I ended up introducing a bug that I have yet to find 11-10-102 12:34:49 It causes the browser to crash on the second or third execution of a Rexx program in certain circumstances 11-10-102 12:35:36 It sounds like some variables in the Rexx programs aren't being reinitialized properly. 11-10-102 12:35:44 Is that possible? 11-10-102 12:36:17 I wish it was something like that. I am afraid that I am using a pointer before allocating memory, or putting too much data in a buffer - C stuff 11-10-102 12:36:39 I will just have to look at every line and see if I can see the problem. 11-10-102 12:37:01 Wow: a developer who does the docs before he's finished the program! That's a switch. 11-10-102 12:37:34 I have arrived at the opinion that software without documentation is worthless 11-10-102 12:38:10 Worse that worthless - because it takes up the user's time trying to figure out how to work the product 11-10-102 12:38:33 Yeah-he has to decode the code. 11-10-102 12:39:10 Only one thing worse than no docs--incorrect documentation. 11-10-102 12:39:11 no documentation == bad 11-10-102 12:39:32 actually buggy, crashing software w/o documentation is useless 11-10-102 12:39:35 I would like some of you to be test cases and try and write some Rexx programs to run in the plug-in from the documentation when I get it finished. That way I can get some feed back on the docs 11-10-102 12:40:58 Doug: I'm pretty busy right now, but I'll make some time for that. 11-10-102 12:41:21 Thanks - I'll send you an email as soon as it is ready. 11-10-102 12:41:42 Doug: How much REXX does one need to know to help? 11-10-102 12:42:16 The plug-in is designed to run ANY Rexx program, so if you can write anything in Rexx, you can try it out. 11-10-102 12:42:43 In fact - if you had any Rexx programs hanging around you could try those out. 11-10-102 12:43:30 I am really hoping that someone with limited Rexx knowledge could read the documentation and be successful getting a Rexx program to run from a web server. 11-10-102 12:43:41 on the client that is. 11-10-102 12:43:47 Doug: I have a few: what do they have to do? 11-10-102 12:44:08 Anything at all. 11-10-102 12:44:37 OK, email me the docs. 11-10-102 12:44:47 If you have any VX-Rexx or DrRexx or GPF Rexx applications hanging around those would also make a good test case. 11-10-102 12:45:20 What I am trying to find out is: Is the documentation clear and complete enough that normal people can use the thing. 11-10-102 12:45:46 Or VRexx2 or Rexx/Tk for that matter. 11-10-102 12:46:39 Anyway - if I can find the bug I can release very quickly. I probably have 3-6 more hours of documentation writing. 11-10-102 12:58:06 Doug: Is there something we can be working on, for instance on the shell, while you're working on the plugin? 11-10-102 12:59:04 Shell is not the best word--I can't think what is. :-( 11-10-102 12:59:49 For example an input form? 11-10-102 13:00:40 Vaughn, Is the membership mailing list clean and working as far as you know? 11-10-102 13:00:58 Let me think on it Walter. 11-10-102 13:01:06 (I snuck over to Item 4. hehe) 11-10-102 13:01:16 Doug: thanks. 11-10-102 13:16:23 Well, we seem to have covered the agenda. Does anyone have any additional business? 11-10-102 13:19:24 move to adjorn 11-10-102 13:19:33 Ok...move to adjorn 11-10-102 13:20:40 All in favour type Aye. 11-10-102 13:20:50 Aye 11-10-102 13:20:56 aye 11-10-102 13:21:05 Aye 11-10-102 13:21:37 Carried. 11-10-102 13:21:45 Meeting adjourned.